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调教 av 笑剧明星吉恩•怀尔德澌灭 曾主演老版《巧克力工场》

发布日期:2024-10-05 05:00    点击次数:106

调教 av 笑剧明星吉恩•怀尔德澌灭 曾主演老版《巧克力工场》

曾在《发家妙计》、《新科学怪东说念主》和《牝牡大盗》等影片中孝顺了精彩献艺的笑剧演员吉恩•怀尔德示寂,享年83岁。他在笑剧大家梅尔•布鲁克斯自编自导的《发家妙计》中赢得了东说念主生第一个电影变装,并凭借该片提名奥斯卡最好男摧毁。他也在1971年梅尔•斯图亚特捏导的《圆润糖果屋》里饰演巧克力工场的主东说念主威利•旺卡调教 av,得手塑造了这如故典荧幕形象。

笑剧明星吉恩•怀尔德澌灭 曾主演老版《巧克力工场》

Gene Wilder, who brought a wild-eyed desperation to a series of memorable and iconic comedy roles in the 1970s and 1980s, has died, his lawyer, Eric Weissmann, said. 驰名演员吉恩•怀尔德在上世纪七八十年代塑造了一系列令东说念主挂念深入的经典笑剧形象,为变装注入了荒诞而烦恼的特色。据其讼师埃里克•韦斯曼称,怀尔德已于当地时分8月29日在康涅狄格州的家中示寂。

He was 83. 怀尔德常年83岁。

Wilder is best known for his collaborations with director Mel Brooks, starring as the stressed-out Leo Bloom in Brooks' breakout 1967 film "The Producers," and later in the monster movie spoof "Young Frankenstein." He also portrayed a boozing gunslinger in "Blazing Saddles." 他与导演梅尔•布鲁克斯的合营最为知名,曾在其1967年的打破性作品《发家妙计》中饰演不胜重担的里奥•布鲁姆,随后又出演了恶搞恐怖电影《科学怪东说念主》的《新科学怪东说念主》。他还在《灼热的马鞍》中形容了酗酒枪手的形象。

For many people, Wilder might be best remembered for "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," playing the mysterious candy tycoon in the 1971 adaptation of Roald Dahl's book. 对好多东说念主而言,怀尔德最令东说念主铭刻的作品大要是《圆润糖果屋》。这部1971年的影片改编自罗尔德•达尔的书,怀尔德在其中饰演一位神秘的糖果富翁。

In a statement to CNN on Monday, Brooks called Wilder "one of the truly great talents of our time." 周一,布鲁克斯在给CNN的声明中称怀尔德是“这个时期的确的伟大天才之一”。

"He blessed every film we did with his magic and he blessed me with his friendship," Brooks wrote. 布鲁克斯写说念:“他为咱们合营的每一部电影赋予了魅力,我也有幸能成为他的一又友。”

Wilder died due to complications from Alzheimer's disease, which he struggled with for three years, his nephew Jordan Walker-Pearlman said in a statement to CNN. Wilder chose not to disclose his illness, the statement added. 怀尔德的侄子乔丹•沃克-皮尔曼在给CNN的声明中示意,怀尔德因阿尔茨海默病的并发症而过世,他已和疾病构兵三年。声明还称,他本东说念主选定不公布病情。

"He simply couldn't bear the idea of one less smile in the world," Walker-Pearlman said. 沃克-皮尔曼说:“他仅仅无法隐忍这个宇宙上零落欢笑。”

Actor Gene Wilder appears at Barnes & Noble to sign copies of his book "The Woman Who Wouldn't" on March 26, 2008 in New York City. 2008年3月26日,怀尔德在纽约的巴诺书店为他的新书《The Woman Who Wouldn't》签售。


In the years after "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," Wilder continued to star in numerous comedies, with less consistent success. That included several films with Richard Pryor, including "Stir Crazy" and "Silver Streak," as well as solo vehicles like "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother" and "The World's Greatest Lover," which he also directed. 《圆润糖果屋》之后的几年,怀尔德陆续参演繁密笑剧片,但并非一直齐大成效利。他与理查德•普赖尔合营了几部电影,包括《阿叔有难》和《银线号大血案》,并自导自演了《福尔摩斯智谋伯仲历险记》和《世上最伟大的情东说念主》等作品。

In a 2005 interview with CNN, Wilder discussed how he met Brooks, having been cast in a play opposite the director's then-girlfriend, Anne Bancroft. 2005年CNN的一次采访中,怀尔德陈说了他与导演布鲁克斯褂讪的历程。那时,他在一部戏里搭档布鲁克斯其时的女友安妮•班克罗夫特。

"That led to 'The Producers' and 'Blazing Saddles' and 'Young Frankenstein,' because I was miscast in a play," Wilder said. "And it changed my life." 怀尔德说:“因为那次走漏,我才出演了《发家妙计》、《灼热的马鞍》和《新科学怪东说念主》。一次变装分拨不当转变了我的东说念主生。”

He said he was happy to be cast in primarily comedic roles throughout his acting career. 他说,很欢乐我方的演艺生计中主要饰演笑剧变装。

"For every dramatic role, there are 14 other guys who will do it better than me, always," Wilder told CNN. 他告诉CNN:“我的每一个戏剧变装,总会有另外14个东说念主比我演得更好。”

He was married to "Saturday Night Live" regular Gilda Radner for five years until her death in 1989. 怀尔德曾与《周六夜现场》的常任演员吉尔达•拉德纳成婚五年,直到拉德纳在1989年示寂。

When asked in the same CNN interview if he thought the public expected him to mourn Radner indefinitely, Wilder said he felt some people did. 当在采访中被问及他是否定为公众期待他恒久诋毁拉德纳时,怀尔德说他知说念有些东说念主是这样思的。

Then added, "If you found happiness, real happiness, then it would be stupid to waste your life mourning. And if you asked Gilda, she'd say, don't be a jerk. You know, go out, have fun. Wake up and smell the coffee." 然后他补充说念:“如果你找到了景色,的确的景色,那么花消人命去缅怀是愚蠢的。如若你问吉尔达,她会说,别傻了。走外出去寻找圆润吧。要线途经来。”

He is survived by his wife of 25 years, Karen Wilder. 与他成婚25年的妻子凯伦依然辞世。

Wilder's friends, co-workers and admirers were quick to pay tribute to the actor on Monday after the news of his death. 周一,怀尔德澌灭的音问发布后,其友东说念主、共事和珍视者很快示意了对他的怀念。

"Bless you for all these years of laughter and love, such warmth and humanity," wrote film critic Leonard Maltin. 影评东说念主莱纳德•马尔丁写说念:“感谢你多年带来的笑与爱,你是如斯和缓又充满东说念主性。”

Debra Messing, former star of "Will & Grace," a show on which Wilder guest-starred, said, "A man who lit up the world with his joy and genius. I can't say what it meant to act with him and get to know his heart." 怀尔德曾客串NBC剧集《威尔和格蕾丝》。饰演格蕾丝的黛博拉•梅辛说:“他以圆润和天才点亮宇宙。与他合营并得以了解他内心,这其中的感遭难以言喻。”

英文开首:CNN 翻译:实习生徐晓彤 审校&裁剪:丹妮调教 av

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